3 Things That A Bail Bondsman Does When You Hire Them

You may have heard of a bail bondsman before as a person that can help you get out of jail while you're waiting for your court date but may feel a bit confused about what they do.  Here are some of the services that a bail bondsman offers.  

Financial Assistance

The primary thing that a bail bondsman is known for is providing individuals with financial assistance for bail money. Consider them like a short-term lender, because bail bonds do come with a premium that is regulated by state laws.  This prevents a bail bondsman from overcharging someone for bail, and lets you know what the highest premium can potentially be from bail bondsmen in your area.

One thing to keep in mind is that a bail bondsman is not required to provide you with financial assistance for bail. If they feel like the person in jail is too high of a risk to release from jail, they may decline the bail request outright. A bondsman may also require collateral for the bail bond to ensure that they are covered if the released person doesn't return to court.

Paperwork Assistance

Know that a bail bondsman is also going to handle all the necessary paperwork required to get somebody out of jail. They are the type of person that you can contact and let them handle pretty much everything on behalf of the person that is in jail. This also helps people that are in jail get out by using a bondsman, because they likely are not able to do a lot of things that a bondsman can.

Some of the paperwork that needs to be completed includes a bail bond agreement, which outlines the terms of the bail bond being used. An indemnity agreement is a contract between the person in jail, the court, and the bondsman that states the conditions of release. There can even be a form giving the bail bondsman power of attorney on some legal matters related to someone being released from jail.

Release Facilitation

Many steps need to be taken to facilitate the release of someone that is in jail. It starts with contacting the jail so that the release can be coordinated and being the person to pay the bail amount. The person will also need to be transported to their home from the jail where they are being held. The bondsman will then provide any guidance necessary regarding the situation, and answer legal questions regarding the person's early release. 
