3 Tips For Removing The Smell Of Heating Oil After A Small Spill At Your Home

Since oil heating is a common way to provide warmth in many areas, spilling that fluid is not uncommon. However, being able to fully remove the scent of the heating oil after a spill is not always easy. Therefore, in order to minimize the side effects of inhaled oil to everyone in your home for the foreseeable future, it is a good idea to be aware of the following information.

#1-Safely Dispose Of Any Substance That Has Touched The Oil (If Possible)

In theory, you should be able to eliminate the majority of the smell of heating oil by removing all of the materials it has come into contact with as soon as possible. In actuality, it is obvious that doing so is not always possible, such as if it has come into contact with the carpet in your living room or one of your walls.

However, if the oil has come into contact with multiple surfaces, you should remove what you can before proceeding to the next step. If you are planning to throw it in the garbage, verify that doing so is not a violation of local ordinances. You should do so by contacting the trash pickup company in your area to determine the safest way to dispose of items that have been contaminated with heating oil. In the meantime, bag up the items in question and place the contaminated items away from your home.

#2-Ventilate The Area As Much As Possible

In order to encourage the smell to dissipate as much as possible, it is necessary to provide adequate ventilation after opening all of the nearby windows. Since the smell has been known to waft through the house, you should ventilate as much of the home as you can and plan to do so for several days. .

Therefore, you should use all of the fans in your home, set to the maximum speed. That should include ceiling fans, stationary fans and even your attic fan, if you have one. If you have a window fan, make sure that it faces outward, to make the air go in the right direction.

#3-Clean The Air

Although you are likely to know that you will need to clean the area, you may have forgotten that you will need to clean the air. Baking soda, left in bowls throughout the area, will often help. Coffee grounds that have not been used can also be used in a similar manner.

You may also find that one of the over-the-counter air cleaners are helpful, as are air-purifying machines if you have access to one. 

In conclusion, the scent of heating oil is unpleasant to most people and in sensitive persons can cause a host of unpleasant side effects. As a result, if your home uses heating oil, it is crucial to consider the information listed above so that you are as prepared as possible in the event of an unexpected spill. Visit http://glendaleheating.com for more information. 
