Expand Your Veterinary Practice By Offering Cremation Services

When someone's beloved pet dies, they often want options for honoring their loved one. Your veterinary practice can offer cremation services to allow pet owners to keep the remains of their loved companion. Many vet practices send out deceased pets to a crematory service and then return them to the pet owner in a keepsake tin that owners keep for their own sentimental use. Here are ways you can benefit your clients with cremation services for their pets.

Contracted Cremation Services 

You can choose to offer cremation services for your clients' pets through a crematory that you contract with. This is a cost-effective way for you to provide this service for your clients without having to go through the legalities and costs of setting up an on-site crematorium. Contact a facility in your area that offers cremation services and see if they will provide this service for you. You can forward the cremation costs (costs are between $55 and $350, depending on the size of the pet) to your clients in addition to a markup convenience fee to profit your business.

You can charge an additional fee for picking up the deceased pet at the owner's home or delivering the cremated pet personally when the cremation has been completed.

Urns and keepsake boxes

In addition to offering cremation services to your clients, you can keep a selection of keepsake wooden boxes and basic urns for them to place their pets' remains in. These boxes can also be used to house collars and tags so pet owners can keep personal items protected and cherished for a lifetime.

Bereavement rooms

If you have a room in your veterinary clinic that you use rarely, consider opening it up as a bereavement room. This is a space where pet owners can grieve in private as their pet is prepared for cremation or euthanasia. You can set aside certain times of the day or week where you can sit with clients and open up a support group where those who have lost pets or are preparing to put a pet to sleep can talk and share their sadness with one another.

Cremation services are something your clients may be interested in. You don't have to do these services yourself to benefit you and your clients. This additional service can help bring pet owners a sense of closure and remembrance for their beloved pets, and is a beneficial way to offer them your support after their pet has passed away. For more tips, check with the American Cremation Society.
