Keeping Track Of Military Awards For Function And Design

Retired or discharged veterans have a lot of experience to rely on, but there are times when documentation or some sort of identity proof is necessary. Paper documentation is useful, but there are times when having your awards displayed prominently can be useful. Whether you're applying for a job that is interested in your accomplishments or trying to decorate your office, consider a few military award situations that may need more than word of mouth.

Campaign Medals Are A Hiring Boost

Military service is a great check in the box for many jobs, but there are some sponsored government policies that put a more official appeal on the hiring situation.

Recipients of campaign medals are respected for their service in specific situations, usually related to a concerted effort of great importance. From the infantry with gun in hand to the rescue teams and the intricately skilled technicians, being part of a high-profile or highly complex campaign has its benefits.

If you need to prove that you're not just ready to tackle unplanned challenges, but also have tackled more challenges than the business could imagine, you'll need to have your campaign medal documentation in hand. Such proof is often in the form of a DD-214 record of discharge or through a display case.

Military awards such as campaign badges can be placed inside a clear covered wooden box known as a shadow box, which can be used to display your medal without subjecting it to getting lost or damaged easily. You don't need to use the official campaign badge handed to you in ceremony (or the mail if your award was late), as an honorable recipient can legally wear the award and have as many backup pieces of the award as needed.

Impress With Your Chest On The Wall

If your coworkers and superiors are impressed by military service, chest candy (your ribbons and medals) can show your dominance with ease. Unfortunately, showing up at work in uniform isn't very practical once you're out of the service. Showing off your awards can be done with a display plaque that is professionally pinned in place.

You don't want to sloppily place the medals on a piece of board. If other veterans who take their service seriously see such a display of slack, your reputation may plummet. Instead, make sure to have a professional medal alignment and placement. Every medal has a place in terms of priority, and should be arranged with straight edges at a level alignment.

Contact The Whimsical Pig to have your medals and accolades arranged in a professional and impressive manner.
