Design A Vinyl Banner For Your Bake Sale

Help advertise your bake sale and draw attention to your event by creating a decorative, vinyl banner. Your sign will be large enough for people to see from several feet away and will not cost you much time or money to create. As a result, you may be able to draw larger amounts of people to your sale and meet your financial goal.

Use These Items

  • measuring tape
  • scissors
  • fabric pen
  • vinyl cloth
  • fabric paint
  • stencils
  • glass dishes
  • foam letters
  • foam brush 
  • sponge
  • paintbrush
  • iron
  • acrylic craft spray
  • metal grommet kit
  • twine

​Cut The Vinyl And Prepare The Stencils

Measure and cut a piece of vinyl fabric to the size that you would like. Place the vinyl on a covered table so that paint does not get onto it. Use stencils and foam letters to help design the banner. Place each stencil on the vinyl fabric, using a measuring tape to assist with keeping each one straight. Outline the stencils and letters with a fabric pen. Draw the outline of any additional pictures that you would like to put on the vinyl if you do not have a stencil for them.

Add Fabric Paint

Pour fabric paint into glass bowls so that it is easy to access. Fill in the center of each outline with a paintbrush. If you would like to add a design to the background of the sign, consider using a foam brush or sponge to make different, textured shapes. The fabric paint will take several hours to dry. To ensure that the paint won't peel off, run an iron over the surface of the vinyl for several seconds. You will be able to wash the banner in the future without having to worry about the paint coming off or fading. 

Add Protective Spray And Hang The Banner

Apply a thin coating of acrylic craft spray to the surface of the banner. The spray will help protect the banner if it is exposed to damp conditions. Once the spray dries, use a grommet kit to create a hole on each end of the banner. The kit will include all of the hardware needed and a tool that will make the holes.

Place a metal piece on either side of each hole and press them together. Insert a piece of twine in each hole and tie the banner up over the area where you are selling the baked goods. Your bake sale will attract the people who pass by and many of them may decide to stop to see what you are selling. 

For professional custom signs, contact providers, such as Davis Sign Co.
